US is hiding Info about UFO’s and Non-Human bodies, Claims US Intelligence Officer


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Washington: American authorities are hiding the proof about UFO’s and non-human bodies, a veteran US intelligence official told a congressional committee on Wednesday.

In his testimony, David Grusch stated that he “absolutely” believed that the government held Unexplained Aerial Phenomena (UAPs), which have supplanted UFOs in the official lexicon, as well as the bodies of their operators.

As part of his official responsibilities, Grusch said, “I was made aware of a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse-engineering program.”

I decided to report this information to my supervisors and many inspectors general based on the evidence I gathered, thereby turning myself into a whistleblower, he claimed.

Grusch frequently refused to comment in a public forum because the information is classified when pressed for clarification during the hearing.

He claimed to have “personally interviewed” individuals with firsthand knowledge of non-human craft and claimed that the US government is concealing information regarding UAPs from both the public and Congress.


According to Grusch, “My testimony is based on information I have been provided by people with a long history of credibility and service to this country — many of whom also shared compelling evidence in the form of photography, official documentation, and classified oral testimony,” he told legislators.

US Representative Tim Burchett expressed sympathy for the notion that the government was hiding information when he declared at the beginning of the session, which also included testimony from two former Navy personnel who claimed to have seen UAPs, “we’re going to uncover the cover-up.”

“Government transparency is at stake in this. A government that doesn’t believe in its citizens is untrustworthy, he said.

But earlier this year, the chief of the Pentagon agency created to find UAPs that could be a threat to the US informed legislators that the office had not found any evidence of extraterrestrial activity.

Sean Kirkpatrick stated in April that the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office “has found no credible evidence thus far of extraterrestrial activity, off-world technology, or objects that defy the known laws of physics.”

However, in recent years, the US government has started to take the issue of UAPs more seriously.

NASA called for a more rigorous scientific approach to explain the origin of hundreds of strange sightings at its first public discussion on UAPs in May.

Following a number of puzzling sightings by US Navy and Air Force pilots, the Pentagon also started paying closer attention.

The main concern was that the sightings might be unidentified aircraft surveillance equipment that China was employing to gather information about US defenses.

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